Monday, September 8, 2014

Indie-Ana Jones talks Indiana Jones
Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981) was for me the adventure films to top all adventure films in my young life, and it is still the tops today.  Just say the name Indiana Jones and you hear the heroic theme song written by John Williams (datada datada…) making you feel you can conquer every obstacle, outrun huge boulders, defeat the Nazi’s plan and save the greatest relic of all time.  This film had such an impact upon me that I almost named my first born Indiana, and yes my real last name is Jones.   No worries I wouldn’t do that to my kid though it would have been cool.  Indiana Jones is however the legitimate love child of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, and what an awesome progeny they made. 

no wonder i dreamed of becoming Mrs. Jones ...the irony
In 1981,  Spielberg had already come into his own with the blockbuster films of Jaws and Close Encounters.  Likewise a young Lucas was still celebrating with his own outstanding success with Star Wars Episode IV.  So these star travelers voyage together out of space and into a time not so far away or long ago when the world was in a delicate balance between good and evil.  Set in the backdrop of the rise of the most despised empire known in human history, the world needed a hero, not just any hero but one who perhaps didn’t think himself to be much of a hero at all.  This man would take us to the thickest jungles of Latin America, across the sea to war torn Europe and to the cradle of civilization itself.  Indiana Jones is the all-American guy who  wants to see justice served and ensure the greatest treasure of all time doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

you go girl...ten years and she still can't forget and forgive

Mixing together myth with reality, the Raiders of the Lost Ark weaves an unforgettable storyline that brings together some of the best of a variety of genres.  The mashup of the American cowboy,  British sleuth,  rebel with a cause and the fedora wearing g-man who always finds the criminal creates this larger than life hero that is unforgettable.  If you haven’t seen this film and you are under the age of like, twelve I will let it go as this is an obvious oversight of your parents... otherwise there really is no excuse and what on earth are you waiting for? 

no me gusta los espiders
This is the culmination of epic storytelling, fearless directing and oh by the way seeing the best of Harrison Ford who at that time thought he had reached his peak with Han Solo.  Ford brings a genuine sincerity to the character of Indiana that just makes you swoon especially how well he uses that whip…ahem I mean, makes you believe you are along for the greatest quest in history.  Ford just conquers the screen with this bigger than life character and keeps you on the edge of your seat.  I can’t imagine another actor could have brought it to life as well and as wonderfully as Ford.  Indiana along with his cast of friends, from the tough as nails and yet amorously smitten Marion Ravenwood by Karen Allen and John Rhys Davis as Sallah, with the ever properly Brittish voice of reason, Denholm Elliot as Brody.  Oh and yah you might spot a familiar face at the beginning, you know that guy...yeah the one who played Doc Octopus in Spiderman none other than Alfred Molina.  Ironically enough, his first day on set and Spielberg asks Molina to be covered in tarantulas for his scene.
So there you have it.  I wish I had more time to just talk about Raiders of the Lost Ark but that might make this blog like a novel and it’s just better if you go see it for yourself on the big screen.  No, not at your overly self-indulgent neighbor’s home with the 90 inch flat plasma screen.   See it how it is meant to be seen, in the company of other fans and adventure seekers at THE BLUE STARLIGHT DRIVE IN COCONUT GROVE, WENS. AND THURS. THIS WEEK 8 PM.
Theme song and overture by John Williams

But hey I almost forgot ... did you know?

Did you know the then 1st wife of Harrison Ford, Melissa Mathison would hang out on set and started writing together with Spielberg during his directing breaks, that script became ET: the Extra-Terrestial…yeah multitasking does pay off!

Did you know that famous fight scene with the swordsman and the gun slinging Indiana was improvised since Harrison was suffering from food poisoning and just wanted to finish the scene.

Did you know Sam Neill, Tom Selleck and Jeff Bridges were considered for the role, Bridges turned it down.   Tom Selleck had also committed to Magnum PI and had to turn down the role.  Neill however would have his own adventures with Spielberg in Jurassic Park.  Others considered were Nick Nolte, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Tim Matheson and Jack Nicholson.  With Lucas' backing, the role was given to Ford just weeks before shooting the film began. 

Did you know Amy Irving, Debra winger and Sean Young were all up for the role of Marion, however when Karen was chosen, another paring of Ford and Young would occur just a year later in the film Bladerunner by Ridley Scott.

Did you know, the scene where Indy is in the well of souls filled with snakes, was filmed on the set of the Overlook Hotel from the Shining.  After acquiring all the local snakes, it wasn’t nearly enough to fit the set so hoses and fakes were used.  In the end, some were “borrowed” from the Degobah set of Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back set.  The number of real snakes however did make Spielberg hurl once or twice during filming and to protect Ford a plate glass was used to keep the venomous cobra from attacking him.  An assistant director did get bit by one of the venomous snakes during filming but didn't state this fact until Spielberg yelled cut.

Did you know, Spielberg had on his crew a storyboard artist who was involved in some of the more riveting action scenes?  His involvement in and the success of Raiders inspired him to pursue his dream of becoming a director.  He now has directed and produced several blockbuster films and is known for his outlandish and over the top explosions and action scenes with excessive use of CGI.  Yes folks, you guessed it, this guy is none other than Michael Bay.  

Next week... a tribute to the comedic genius and heart of Robin Williams. Back to back marathon of some of our favorite films celebrating his gift of love and laughter.